

These options should be used in conjunction with the core TypeDoc options (see TypeDoc Usage).

File Options

Options that are used to configure how files are output.

outputFileStrategyDetermines how output files are generated.
membersWithOwnFileDetermines which members are exported to their own file.
flattenOutputFilesFlatten output files to a single directory.
fileExtensionSpecify the file extension for generated output files.
entryFileNameThe file name of the entry page.
modulesFileNameThe file name of the separate modules / index page.
mergeReadmeAppends the documentation index page to the readme page.
entryModuleThe name of a module that should act as the root page for the documentation.
excludeScopesInPathsExclude writing @ scope directories in paths.

Display Options

Options that are used to configure how the output is structured and displayed.

hidePageHeaderDo not print page header.
hideBreadcrumbsDo not print breadcrumbs.
hidePageTitleDo not print page title.
hideGroupHeadingsExcludes grouping by kind so all members are rendered at the same level.
useCodeBlocksWraps signatures and declarations in code blocks.
expandObjectsExpand objects inside declarations.
expandParametersExpand parameters in signature parentheses to display type information.
blockTagsPreserveOrderSpecifies comment block tags that should preserve their position.
indexFormatSets the format of index items.
parametersFormatSets the format of parameter and type parameter groups.
interfacePropertiesFormatSets the format of property groups for interfaces.
classPropertiesFormatSets the format of property groups for classes.
enumMembersFormatSets the format of enumeration members.
propertyMembersFormatSets the format of style for property members for interfaces and classes.
typeDeclarationFormatSets the format of style for type declaration members.
typeDeclarationVisibilitySet the visibility level for type declaration documentation.
tableColumnSettingsControl how table columns are configured and displayed.

Utility Options

Options that are used for general configuration and utility purposes.

formatWithPrettierApply additional output formatting with Prettier.
prettierConfigFileSpecify a custom Prettier configuration file location.
sanitizeCommentsSanitize HTML and JSX inside JsDoc comments.
publicPathSpecify the base path for all urls.
anchorPrefixCustom anchor prefix when anchoring to in-page symbols.
useHTMLEncodedBracketsUse HTML encoded entities for angle brackets.
useHTMLAnchorsAdd HTML anchors to page headings.
preserveAnchorCasingPreserve anchor casing when generating link to symbols.
pageTitleTemplatesChange specific text placeholders in the template.