Plugin Options
This page documents additional options that are exposed by this plugin.
Note: The options must be set at root level and will be ignored inside packageOptions .
File Options
Options that are used by the plugin’s routers to configure how files are output.
Option | Description |
fileExtension | Specify the file extension for generated output files. |
entryFileName | The file name of the entry page. |
modulesFileName | The file name of the separate modules / index page. |
mergeReadme | Appends the documentation index page to the readme page. |
flattenOutputFiles | Flatten output files to a single directory. |
excludeScopesInPaths | Exclude writing @ scope directories in paths. |
Display Options
Options that are used to configure how the output is structured and displayed.
Option | Description |
hidePageHeader | Do not print page header. |
hideBreadcrumbs | Do not print breadcrumbs. |
hidePageTitle | Do not print page title. |
hideGroupHeadings | Excludes grouping by kind so all members are rendered at the same level. |
useCodeBlocks | Wraps signatures and declarations in code blocks. |
expandObjects | Expand objects inside declarations. |
expandParameters | Expand parameters in signature parentheses to display type information. |
blockTagsPreserveOrder | Specifies comment block tags that should preserve their position. |
indexFormat | Sets the format of index items. |
parametersFormat | Sets the format of parameter and type parameter groups. |
interfacePropertiesFormat | Sets the format of property groups for interfaces. |
classPropertiesFormat | Sets the format of property groups for classes. |
typeAliasPropertiesFormat | Sets the format of style for type alias properties. |
enumMembersFormat | Sets the format of enumeration members. |
propertyMembersFormat | Sets the format of style for property members for interfaces and classes. |
typeDeclarationFormat | Sets the format of style for type declaration members. |
typeDeclarationVisibility | Set the visibility level for type declaration documentation. |
tableColumnSettings | Control how table columns are configured and displayed. |
pageTitleTemplates | Change specific text placeholders in the template. |
Utility Options
Options that are used for general configuration and utility purposes.
Option | Description |
formatWithPrettier | Apply additional output formatting with Prettier. |
prettierConfigFile | Specify a custom Prettier configuration file location. |
publicPath | Specify the base path for all urls. |
useHTMLEncodedBrackets | Use HTML encoded entities for angle brackets. |
useHTMLAnchors | Add HTML anchors to page headings. |
anchorPrefix | Custom anchor prefix to add to anchor links. |
sanitizeComments | Sanitize HTML and JSX inside JsDoc comments. |
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