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Plugin Options

Please view options exposed by typedoc-plugin-markdown in addition to those listed here.

Preset Options

The following are preset typedoc-plugin-markdown options:

{ "out": "./docs/api", "hideBreadcrumbs": true, "hidePageHeader": true, "entryFileName": "" }

Plugin Options

The following options are exposed by this plugin:

Configures the autogenerated Docusaurus sidebar.

Accepts a key/value object.


Set to false to disable sidebar generation. Defaults to true.


Set to true to generate a TypeScript file. Defaults to false (CommonJs).


Pretty format the sidebar JSON. Defaults to false.


The class name to apply to deprecated items in the sidebar. Defaults to "typedoc-sidebar-item-deprecated".

Please see the sidebar guide for additional information on sidebar setup.

{ "sidebar": { "autoConfiguration": true, "pretty": false, "typescript": false, "deprecatedItemClassName": "typedoc-sidebar-item-deprecated" } }
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