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DocsUtilizing Navigation

Utilizing Navigation

By default navigation is not present but can be consumed programmatically. This is useful if you want to provide a custom sidebar/navigation implementation (if relevant to your environment).

You can configure the navigation structure by utilizing the TypeDoc navigation option, which should provide the same structure navigation as the default HTML theme.


The navigation can be accessed by utilizing the postRenderAsyncJobs on the renderer.

The navigation is returned as JSON and can be mapped to a custom structure and written to a file.

// @ts-check import { MarkdownApplication } from 'typedoc-plugin-markdown'; /** * @param {import('typedoc-plugin-markdown').MarkdownApplication} app */ export function load(app) { app.renderer.postRenderAsyncJobs.push(async (renderer) => { // The navigation JSON structure is available on the navigation object. const navigation = renderer.navigation; // This can be parsed to something else or written straight to a file: fs.writeFileSync('navigation.json', JSON.stringify(navigation)); }); }
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