This page should help you understand the versioning rules of the plugin and its compatibility with TypeDoc.
Package Version
Please note that TypeDoc is still released within the 0.x.x range and may include breaking changes within each minor version release.
A new minor version of the plugin and be released with each minor TypeDoc version, and we will attempt to release in a non-breaking manner.
Besides the TypeDoc release versions, we aim to follow semantic versioning for the plugin:
- Bug fixes including minor UI tweaks will be released as patch versions.
- New features/options will be released as minor versions.
- UI changes implemented in a non-breaking manner will be released as minor versions.
- Breaking changes including option changes and fundamental UI changes will be released as major versions.
Compatibility Table
We will follow the Node.js and TypeScript versions as specified in the TypeDoc package.json
Version compatibility for the plugin and TypeDoc is as follows:
Plugin | TypeDoc | Node | TypeScript |
4.5.x - 4.6.x | 0.28.x | >= 18 | 5.0.x - 5.8.x |
4.3.x - 4.4.x | 0.27.x | >= 18 | 5.0.x - 5.7.x |
4.1.x - 4.2.x | 0.26.x | >= 18 | 4.6.x - 5.5.x |
4.0.x | 0.25.x | >= 16 | 4.6.x - 5.4.x |
For more information please visit TypeDoc requirements .
Last updated on