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DocsPlugin OptionsDisplay Options

Display Options

Options that are used to configure how the output is structured and displayed.


Do not print page header.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

{ "hidePageHeader": false }


Do not print breadcrumbs.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

{ "hideBreadcrumbs": false }


Do not print page title.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

{ "hidePageTitle": false }



Excludes grouping by kind so all members are rendered at the same level.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

By default members are grouped by kind (eg Classes, Functions etc).

This creates a flat structure where all members are displayed at the same heading level.

{ "hideGroupHeadings": false }


Wraps signatures and declarations in code blocks.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

This option can be used to improve readability and aesthetics when defining signatures and declarations.

Please note that when this option is set to true it is not possible to link to other references.

As a work around the @link tag can be be used to manually reference types.

{ "useCodeBlocks": false }


Expand objects inside declarations.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

By default when objects have associated documentation, object declarations are collapsed to preserve space and improve readability.

This option should be set when a full object representation is preferred.

{ "expandObjects": false }



Expand parameters in signature parentheses to display type information.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

By default parameters in signature definitions only display the parameter name so the output is more concise.

This option should be set when a full type representation is preferred.

{ "expandParameters": false }



Specifies comment block tags that should preserve their position.

Accepts an array of string values.

By default block tags (such as @example, @remarks, @deprecated) are rendered after “Parameters”, “Returns” and “Type declaration” sections for signatures and declarations.

The rationale is that comment block tags often contain more detailed, supplementary information and are typically secondary to understanding the primary use of the symbol,

Use this option to preserve the position of the tag content with the comment summary.

{ "blockTagsPreserveOrder": ["@example", "@deprecated"] }


Sets the format of index items.

Accepts one of "list" | "table" | "htmlTable". Defaults to "list".

This option renders index items either as a simple unordered list or in a table.

When table style is selected the following will be the behaviour:

  • For a members index, a description column will be added with key table - the first paragraph of the comment summary, or key htmlTable - the entire comment contents.
  • For a packages index, (when entryPointStrategy equals packages), the package.json description will be displayed with an additional “Version” column (when --includeVersion equals true).
  • For a documents index a description column will be added to the table printing the "description" frontmatter variable.
{ "indexFormat": "list" }



Sets the format of parameter and type parameter groups.

Accepts one of "list" | "table" | "htmlTable". Defaults to "list".

This option specifies the output format for parameters and type parameters of functions and class methods:

  • “list”: parameters are output as bullet points in a linear list, suitable for more detailed comments.
  • “table”: parameters are output within a Markdown table, condensed into a single paragraph.
  • “htmlTable”: parameters are output in an HTML table, enabling block elements to render in table cells.
{ "parametersFormat": "list" }


Sets the format of property groups for interfaces.

Accepts one of "list" | "table" | "htmlTable". Defaults to "list".

This option specifies the output format for interface properties:

  • “list”: properties are output in linear blocks with headings, suitable for more detailed comments.
  • “table”: properties are output within a Markdown table, condensed into a single paragraph.
  • “htmlTable”: properties are output in an HTML table, enabling block elements to render in tabular format.
{ "interfacePropertiesFormat": "list" }


Sets the format of property groups for classes.

Accepts one of "list" | "table" | "htmlTable". Defaults to "list".

This option specifies the output format for class properties:

  • “list”: properties are output in linear blocks with headings, suitable for more detailed comments.
  • “table”: properties are output within a Markdown table, condensed into a single paragraph.
  • “htmlTable”: properties are output in an HTML table, enabling block elements to render in tabular format.
{ "classPropertiesFormat": "list" }



Sets the format of style for type alias properties.

Accepts one of "list" | "table" | "htmlTable". Defaults to "list".

This option specifies the output format for type alias properties:

  • “list”: properties are output in linear blocks with headings, suitable for more detailed comments.
  • “table”: properties are output within a Markdown table, condensed into a single paragraph.
  • “htmlTable”: properties are output in an HTML table, enabling block elements to render in tabular format.
{ "typeAliasPropertiesFormat": "list" }


Sets the format of enumeration members.

Accepts one of "list" | "table" | "htmlTable". Defaults to "list".

This option specifies the output format for enumeration members:

  • “list”: members are output in linear blocks with headings, suitable for more detailed comments.
  • “table”: members are output within a Markdown table, condensed into a single paragraph.
  • “htmlTable”: members are output in an HTML table, enabling block elements to render in tabular format.
{ "enumMembersFormat": "list" }



Sets the format of style for property members for interfaces and classes.

Accepts one of "list" | "table" | "htmlTable". Defaults to "list".

This option will handle the formatting of object literals assigned as properties in classes or interfaces.

Note this options will only take effect when the property declaration is rendered in a list format.

  • “list”: members are output in linear blocks with headings, suitable for more detailed comments.
  • “table”: members are output within a Markdown table, condensed into a single paragraph.
  • “htmlTable”: members are output in an HTML table, enabling block elements to render in tabular format.
{ "propertyMembersFormat": "list" }



Sets the format of style for type declaration members.

Accepts one of "list" | "table" | "htmlTable". Defaults to "list".

This option specifies the output format for type declaration of variables and type aliases.

  • “list”: declarations are output in linear blocks with headings, suitable for more detailed comments.
  • “table”: declarations are output within a Markdown table, condensed into a single paragraph.
  • “htmlTable”: declarations are output in an HTML table, enabling block elements to render in tabular format.
{ "typeDeclarationFormat": "list" }



Set the visibility level for type declaration documentation.

Accepts either "compact" or "verbose". Defaults to "verbose".

Configures the visibility level for type declaration documentation. Applies to both list and table formats.

  • “verbose”: Provides full documentation details for all type declarations, including nested types.
  • “compact”: Summarizes nested types as JSON, reducing verbosity while retaining key information.
{ "typeDeclarationVisibility": "verbose" }



Control how table columns are configured and displayed.

By default, all available data for symbols are displayed in table columns which can result in several columns in certain use-cases.

This option allows you to control the visibility of columns, prioritizing readability over displaying complete data. In addition you can control the alignment of the header text.

{ "tableColumnSettings": { "hideDefaults": false, "hideInherited": false, "hideModifiers": false, "hideOverrides": false, "hideSources": false, "hideValues": false, "leftAlignHeaders": false } }


Change specific text placeholders in the template.

Accepts a key/value object.

Customizes the page titles for index, module, and member pages in the documentation.

This option is provided as an object, with keys corresponding to the page types.

Each value can be either:

  • A string supporting placeholders.
  • A function that receives input arguments.

Available placeholders / arguments:

  • {projectName} – The project’s name, resolved by TypeDoc.
  • {version} – The project version, resolved by TypeDoc (when includeVersion is true).
  • {kind} – The reflection kind of the item.
  • {name} – The name of the module or member.

Available keys:

  • index – For the main documentation index page. Supports projectName and version.
  • module – For module and namespace pages. Supports kind and name.
  • member – For individual member pages. Supports kind and name.

Examples showing usage of both string (JS config) and function (JS/JSON config) values:

pageTitleTemplates: { index: (args) => `${args.projectName}: ${args.version}`, module: (args) => `${args.kind}: ${}`, member: (args) => `${args.kind}: ${}`, }
{ "pageTitleTemplates": { "index": "{projectName} {version}", "member": "{kind}: {name}", "module": "{name}" } }
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