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DocsPlugin OptionsUtility Options

Utility Options

Options that are used for general configuration and utility purposes.


Apply additional output formatting with Prettier.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

This plugin generates well-formatted Markdown, however, integrating the popular formatting package Prettier can provide additional enhancements, such as:

  • Formats code inside fenced blocks within comments blocks, using the respective Prettier configuration for that language.
  • Aligns markdown table cells.
  • Removes unnecessary escape characters.
  • Wraps long lines of text to fit within a configurable line width.

Please note that Prettier is not a dependency of this plugin and must be installed in your project for this option to work.

npm install prettier -D
{ "formatWithPrettier": false }



Specify a custom Prettier configuration file location.

Defaults to "undefined".

By default Prettier uses the options resolved from a discovered Prettier configuration file.

Use this option to specify a separate Prettier configuration file in a custom location.

Please note this option is only applicable when formatWithPrettier is set to "true".

{ "prettierConfigFile": "./path/to/.prettierrc.json" }


Specify the base path for all urls.

Accepts a string value. Defaults to "undefined".

If undefined all urls will be relative.

{ "publicPath": "" }


Use HTML encoded entities for angle brackets.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

By default, opening and closing angle brackets (< and >) are escaped using backslashes, and most modern Markdown processors handle them consistently. However, using HTML entities (&lt; and &gt;) might be preferable to avoid any inconsistencies with some Markdown processors.

{ "useHTMLEncodedBrackets": false }


Add HTML anchors to page headings.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

Controls whether HTML anchors (<a id="...">) are added to headings.

Markdown processors usually auto-generate anchor IDs for headings found in a document. This plugin attempts to generate cross-links to symbols based on these IDs.

Enable this option if:

  • Your Markdown parser does not generate heading IDs, making it impossible to link to headings in the document.
  • The plugin cannot reliably resolve auto-generated IDs — for example, if additional headings are added dynamically. In this case, use this option together with anchorPrefix to ensure unique and predictable anchors.

Note: HTML anchors will always be added to linkable symbols listed in table rows, as there is no alternative way to link to these items.

{ "useHTMLAnchors": false }


Custom anchor prefix to add to anchor links.

Accepts a string value. Defaults to "undefined".

Prefix to prepend to all generated anchor links.

Use this option when:

  • Your Markdown parser automatically assigns a custom anchor prefix.
  • You are using useHTMLAnchors and want to avoid ID conflicts with other elements in the document.
{ "anchorPrefix": "api-" }


Sanitize HTML and JSX inside JsDoc comments.

Accepts a boolean value. Defaults to false.

Please note this options does not affect the rendering of inline code or code blocks (using single/triple backticks).

By default all comments written inside JsDoc comments will be passed to the output as written, and parsers will interpret un-escaped angle brackets as HTML/JSX tags..

This option will escape angle brackets < > and curly braces { } written inside JsDoc comments.

This option would typically be used when source code comes from an external source exposing the following potential issues:

  • Comments contain raw tags that should be interpreted as code examples.
  • Comments contain invalid syntax that (in the case of MDX) will cause breaking parsing errors.
  • Although most parsers use XSS filters, this option provides an additional layer of XSS security.
{ "sanitizeComments": false }
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