Utils & Themes
Quick Start

Quick Start


Install Docusaurus in the root of your project and install the plugin dependencies in the same location as the Docusaurus website directory.

npm install typedoc typedoc-plugin-markdown docusaurus-plugin-typedoc --save-dev


Create a Docusaurus project


A typical project structure might look like this but can be customized to your needs:

    • docusaurus.config.js
    • package.json
    • sidebars.js
  • package.json
  • tsconfig.json
  • Add the plugin to docusaurus.config.js

    Add the plugin to docusaurus.config.js and specify the required options.

    The following options can be passed to the config:

    module.exports = {
      // Add option types
      plugins: [
          // Options
            entryPoints: ['../src/index.ts'],
            tsconfig: '../tsconfig.json',

    Options can also be declared using a typedoc.json file. Please note that options declared with typedoc.json will overwrite options declared in docusaurus.config.js.

    Run Docusaurus

    You can generate the docs by either:

    • Running Docusaurus by using the start or build cli commands.
    • Building the docs independently by running the custom cli command docusaurus generate-typedoc and then running Docusaurus at another time.

    View the docs

    Once built the docs will be available at /docs/api (or equivalent output directory).

    e.g. http://localhost:3000/docs/api