Plugin Options
Accepts an Array.
You can include any compatible remark plugins or create and reference your own locally.
Each plugin you wish to use must be installed individually.
Options can be provided as either an array of strings or an array of strings with associated options.
"remarkPlugins": [
"maxDepth": 3
A set of flags that control the enabling or disabling of remark plugins that are loaded by default.
By default, the plugins remark-gfm
, remark-frontmatter
, and remark-mdx
are included, as these are considered the most common use cases.
However, these plugins modify the default parsing behavior of remark, which may not be ideal for all scenarios.
If you’d like to disable any of these default plugins, simply set the corresponding flag to false
"defaultRemarkPlugins": {
"gfm": true,
"frontmatter": true,
"mdx": true
Accepts a key/value object.
Under the hood, the remark-stringify
plugin is used to serialize the markdown into final output.
You can pass in options to the remark-stringify
plugin using this option.
Please see
"remarkStringifyOptions": {
"bullet": "+",
"fence": "~"